11 Wells Garden

The ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) has allowed Housing ACT (HACT) to submit a new DA to take into account of 11 deficiencies identified by GNCA in the original Development Application that was previously approved by ACTPLA. The Wells Gardens DA opened for comment on 23 March 2023.

The GNCA held a public meeting for GNCA members and local residents on Sunday 2 April to discuss a very similar HACT proposal and seek community views. Over 40 very concerned residents were in attendance.  Comments on HACT’s DA closed on Friday 14 April 2023 with 48 objections to the modified DA, substantially more than the original DA!

The GNCA supports quality, sustainable, sympathetic in design and compliant social housing. The GNCA rejects the HACT proposal to squash three supportive houses, three garages, three water tanks and a large carport structure with three additional carparks in the front garden which is planned to be erected on one block in Wells Gardens.

The GNCA is committed to low density residential homes in (RZ1).  The GNCA will be closely monitoring ACTPLA’s performance on DA compliance of 11 Wells Garden, Griffith.

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