GNCA Membership and donations


GNCA is an association of volunteers drawn from all over the Griffith/Narrabundah area.

When you join up you are already contributing to the work of the Association by giving your membership fee.  You can do more – by coming to meetings and being part of discussions, by being on the committee, by being involved from time to time in activities targeting significant issues.

Be a member! Join in!

You can become a member or renew here for $10 per person.

Monthly meetings

GNCA Meetings are usually held at 7.30pm at the East Hotel, 69 Canberra Avenue, Kingston on the second Wednesday of the month.

1. Select your membership or donation here:

[button size=”md” type=”primary” href=”/sponsor/” target=”_blank”]View our sponsors who support our raffles here….[/button]

[button size=”md” type=”primary” href=”/cart/” target=”_blank”]Click to amend your selection.[/button]

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