ACT Government fails supportive housing tenants

ACT Government fails supportive housing tenants

The ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) has set aside the decision to grant approval to DA Number 2021139714 and substituted a decision to refuse approval.  The DA was for the variation of a lease and the construction of three supportive housing dwellings on a suburban RZ1 block in Narrabundah.  ACAT concluded that the DA does not comply with the Territory Plan and several Australian Standards Codes. The Tribunal will give reasons for its decision at a later date.

The GNCA initiated the review by ACAT and contributed to overturn the DA lodged by the Commissioner for Social Housing, which had been approved by the ACT Planning Authority (ACTPLA).  The GNCA supports quality social housing and identified a number of deficiencies in the DA, including inadequate open space, lack of functionality, unworkable parking and insufficient driveway access.  To read the GNCA’s full Press Release click here.  For a full copy of the ACAT decision click here.

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